After a long day of working, I laid down in the bed. BUT to my surprise, someone wasnt tired! Baby 'b' was wide awake and moving! For the first time (well second really) I realized, it was definitely the baby. To most mothers, 'its an unexplainable feeling' - to be honest - it really is. It kind of feels like a gas bubble that never settles. But, its the best feeling in the world. Now Baby 'b' just jumps and jumps. I feel it every day - some days are still questionable - but most days its definite movement.
21 weeks
it is definitely an amazing feeling...just wait til they get alittle stronger! you'll feel like the baby is playing soccer in there! lol I know that will be something I will miss when my little girl gets here! let me know the sex when ya'll find out...so excited!!