Monday, July 30, 2012

looking back. looking forward.

The past couple of weeks, as we are preparing for Joanie Leigh, I have realized, I didn't document my pregnancy with Houston or his first year of life very well. Tear. I know, some people don't do ANYTHING . . . but, I told myself I wouldn't be that way. I thought I had done better. But as I am 'nearing' the end of this pregnancy, I find myself wanting to 'look back' and compare the two.  I know every pregnancy is different and I really don't expect them to be the same in any way . . . but as I reach certain points in this pregnancy, I can't remember how I was with Houston.

So, my goal this time, is to make sure I am documenting as much as I can! I may sound redundant on some posts . . . so please forgive me. According to Matt, I can't remember ANYTHING and always repeat my self . . . BABY BRAIN. And see, I don't remember it being this bad with Houston!! Argh. I do feel bad for Matt and Jess . . . because they have to listen to my constant nagging, repetitive self. Laugh. Bless them both!

On another note:
I am pretty sure that Joanie Leigh's room is complete! We just need to wash up everything and get it clean. We do have her bouncy seat and swing in there since Houston thinks he is small enough for it . . . and I have to keep reminding him that these toys are for Joanie. Sigh. So, once those things move out, it's complete! Now we just count down for her arrival! We do have a shower for her weekend after next, August 11th. Brandy / Jess and several friends are throwing it for her. We never had a 'friends' shower for Houston because we had planned on doing a 'Sip-n-See' but once he arrived and germs were going around . . . we decided against it. SO, this is my 'friends shower'! I'm pretty excited just to get everyone together!

Houston's room is officially 'transformed' into a 'toddler' room! We have to paint his chalkboard wall and then it will be COMPLETE! Such an accomplishment! He is officially in his big boy bed! We have taken out some of the 'extra pillows' . . . and are now teaching him how to sleep like a 'big boy'. He doesn't quite understand that your head goes on a 'pillow' and that your body goes under the 'covers'. I know sounds funny . . . but he is a CRAZY sleeper. He moves so much that even with bed rails and tons of pillows, he still fell out several times. Silly. But he has done really well staying at the top and starting to sleep like a 'big boy'. Laugh. My lil' man. NOT TO MENTION, potty training is going super duper great! He tells us every time he has to 'teetee' -- even with a diaper on! YAY! Now, working on 'pooping' in the potty and 'adventures' out of the house is our next step.

Today, Jess and I watched our twin cousins who are 8 months old. They are so cute! Karsyn and Karter are their names :) And Houston did so well with them! Talking to them, playing with them, helping them . . . makes me excited to see that he will do well becoming a BIG BROTHER!

Till next time! I'll post more images of our lil' man and he grows! And, I have images from our beach trip coming (for those who haven't seen them yet)!

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