Monday, August 27, 2012

35.5 weeks

We are nearing 'Full Term' and it feels so good! Well, you know what I mean . . . the fact that it's getting SO close to use meeting our lil' girl.

I will have to admit, the past couple of days, I have had some pregnancy 'sadness'. Just thinking, this will be my last pregnancy . . . that in only a few short weeks, she will no longer be only mine . . . that I will NEVER again feel lil' hands / feet kicking me from the inside . . . that this is the end. Tear. I went through all these withdrawals with Houston when he was born . . . and I NEVER thought I would feel them again (esp. with this miserable pregnancy) but they are starting to slip into my head . . . esp. late at night when I can't sleep . . . and then stay there ALL DAY.

But, I know Matt (and many others) are ready to meet her! I've been hogging her for the last 9 months . . . I guess it is time to share! j.

This past week has been pretty good. Same 'ole stuff. I have had contractions off and on all week long. I have a feeling they wont die down . . . and that they are here to stay. Mom said that's how she was with 'us' (Jess and I) . . . GREAT. So, figured they wont go away till delivery.

I've been napping A LOT . . . only because I can't sleep longer than 4 hour spans without waking up for a while. Which, I must say, has been nice to snuggle w. Houston during nap times the past week. Soaking up all the time with my lil' man as I can before Joanie Leigh makes her debut!

We go to the doc. Friday for our 36 week check up. We will then discuss with our primary OB options / dates for delivery! YAY! Pretty excited for that : ) Till then . . . enjoy our weekly pic!

35 weeks, 3 days

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Big Boy Bed = Check :: Potty Training = Check

Sleeping in our big boy bed + potty training were mommies two big tasks this summer! And with the summer ending and Joanie approaching . . . I must say, we are two for two!

Now, I don't want to brag too much too soon . . . and don't get me wrong . . . he has his moments. We do have accidents and we do sometimes slip into mommy and daddy's bed in the middle of the night. However, the past two weeks have been AWESOME! He hasn't slipped into bed with us ONCE! AND he has started to 'poo poo' in the potty!

Poo Pooing in the potty has been a task . . . he used to HATE doing it and would hardly let us sit him on the throne . . . now, we go. And the conversations on the pot go like this:

Houston:  "Mama, did you hear it?"
Me:  "Yes, buddy, I heard it. Good job. Mommy's proud of you."
Houston smiles.
Houston:  "Mama, dats a big won."
Me:  "Yes, yes it is. Now are you finished?"
Houston:  "Nope."

A long pause.

Me: "Are you done now?"
Houston: "Mama, I flush it?"
Me: "Not till you are finished. Are you done now?"
Houston: "Nope."

Another long pause. And repeat until he says, "Mama, I done."

He has become quite the 'sitter'. Laugh. BUT, at least we are making it in the pot! YAY! We still have some 'tee tee' accidents. And our hardest challenge is when we 'travel' . . . getting him to go before we get in the car and making sure he 'holds' it till our destination. THEN, letting us know while we are at our destination that he has to go pee. He has done well the past week and I only hope he gets better! It's hard, but seeing the no.5 diapers deplete from the Billingsley Household excites me!

OH, and we still sleep in diapers. I have bought the protection cover for his bed, but I just can't do it yet. Not till he is good ALL the time during the day will I risk the night time wets. AH. We are so far along but so far to go!

I couldn't get a photo of him on the pot for a few giggles . . . but this one is close enough. H in his 'undies' being a typical man.

Everyone says he is going to kill me when he gets older . . . but I don't care. He's too cute!
He likes sporting off his big boy undies . . . or panties as I call them.  I'm getting better!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

34.5 weeks.

Our 34th week into this pregnancy . . . a little late, since this week we have completed our 35th and started our 36th. Whoops. It's so hard to keep up!!

34 weeks is just about the same as our last 33 . . . enjoyable but miserable.

I started with BH contractions again on Sunday . . . not so steady during that morning but by night time, I was 10 min. apart for a couple hours. These contractions are stronger than the last set. They are harder and stronger, they take my breathe away for a moment, make my legs tingle / go numb and I can feel it 'downstairs'.  I knew I wasn't in labor . . . so I didn't want to 'call in', but I did 'get in trouble' last time I didn't call . . . so I figured I'd wait till the morning :) Laugh. It took me awhile to go to sleep. But, I woke up and they had slowed down but were still coming . . . Darn. I guess I should call. So I did. Of course they told me to 'come in' and let's 'check it out'. BLAH.  I was there for 2 hours WAITING for them to see me. It's a good thing I wasn't in real labor! j.

I did luck out tho, my primary OB was on call and he checked me. He said her head is WAY down (there is the pressure) and that I have started to efface but not dilated any.  This is just my body getting ready for the 'big debut'. Well, DUH. I knew that! However, he does want me to continue to take it easy till I'm full term so we don't have a baby. I go back to the doc. next week to meet with him for my 36 week checkup and we can discuss options for delivery! YAY! Because I am READY.

I've tried to talk my self into letting this pregnancy take it's course and let the 'good man upstairs' tell me when she is ready . . . however, I can't deny it . . . I am MISERABLE. I am still having contractions. I can't sleep at night. I can't breathe. I can barely walk without feeling this bowling ball between my legs. My legs now feel like noodles from the contractions and so much pressure. I have felt hung over for the past 9 months and I am so ready to feel 'normal'. I'm still constipated and I am TIRED of trying to go. Trust me, MiraLAX / Metamucil / stool softeners / fiber pills only go so far. I chug water ALL day that I pee 4 times a night. I probably could eat better to help my constipation, but dang, being so nauseous makes you only want to eat so many 'good foods'.

Point is . . . I am starting to get exhausted from all of this . . . and my thinking, why let me continue to be exhausted when a newborn isn't even here yet. I will DIE once she arrives! I keep thinking of 'how did I do this and go all the way to 41 weeks with Houston' . . . but I was no where near all of this. Maybe in the last week did I start feeling the exhaustion take over from pregnancy. But, this has been going on for a while that I am purely exhausted!!!!!

On the bright side, my weight gain is still down. I'm at 24.5 lbs. I am told all the time how 'great I look' and 'small I am' but I sure don't feel it. This baby is really sticking out there now! It's hard to roll out of bed and get in / out of the car. Laugh. This week you can start to see the exhaustion in my eyes. Thank goodness I get 'nap time' with Houston during the day! Otherwise, I'm not quite sure I'd make it! haha. 

34.5 weeks

Houston doesn't get much 'mommy, I hold you' time anymore :(

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

heavy hearts

We were extremely excited to announce yesterday if baby Frick no.3 was going to be a boy or a girl; however, we are now saddened to announce that baby Frick no. 3 did not have a heartbeat in my sisters 22 week ultrasound. Please keep my sister's family in your prayers. The next couple of weeks will be hard but we all know it's in God's hands.

Monday, August 13, 2012

33.5 weeks

This pregnancy, I have experienced it all . . . I have had a cold / sinus infection / stomach bug and now a sore throat. ARGH.

Not to mention all the other pregnancy symptoms I have had . . . extreme nausea / constipation / dry eyes / nose bleeds / sleep insomnia / belly button half poking / varicose vains (thank god no one can see them) / peeing every time I take a sip of something / fatigue (only in the 3rd trimester) / hard braxton hicks (these darn things take my breathe away) / unexplainable rashes / pinched sciatic nerve . . .

BUT, I have gotten a few good things from this pregnancy . . . glowing skin / great hair / low weight gain . . . ALL of which were AWFUL with Houston . . .

And the BEST thing I am getting from all of this . . . JOANIE LEIGH!

33.5 weeks and counting . . .

Okay, enough negative talk about this pregnancy. I am pretty sure I have done plenty of that with ea. blog post! On a lighter note, I had my 33 week check up on Friday with Dr. Stands . . . and all went well!! I have successfully gained 20 pounds! YAY! And everything else looks / measures fine! We are still on our way to our due date 9.27.12 -- now 6.5 weeks away!! Fingers are still crossed for a 2 week early arrival . . . much more preferred than a one week post due date arrival! Laugh. We don't REALLY care . . . just as long as she comes our healthy!

We had our baby shower this past Saturday and it was so nice to see all our friends. It was a girls only shower! Just easier with the space and knowing that most everyone has kids, someone needs to stay home and watch those babies! j. It was a diapers / wipes / gift cards shower but Joanie Leigh got LOTS more than diapers / wipes / gift cards! So many cute monogrammed gifts / outfits / picture frames / books and extras! We are very blessed to have so many wonderful people make her arrival so special! Photos to come later! Jess was in charge of the photos . . . so they are on her camera!

What's new? Nothing really! We are done purchasing EVERYTHING she needs. We are done with her room. Everything is washed and ready for her arrival! Photos will come now that it's put together! All that is left is her bassinet 'bedding and her Moses basket 'bedding' both of which my mom is making! So, stay tuned to see the final results!!

The last two steps that Matt and I need to make are 1. pack our hospital bags. and 2. put the car seat in the car.

Maybe 3 steps . . . We still can't decide on what to do with Houston once I go into labor. Laugh. We said we would 'play it by ear' depending on if I go into labor on my own and depending on the time of day / time of week. Laugh. But we still haven't figured out the options! 

Niece or Nephew?

Today my sister Brandy finds out if she is having a BOY or a GIRL!  It's not till later this afternoon . . . BUMMER . . . so now we have to wait ALL day to find out!

BUT, I am starting to think GIRL for her. Hmmmm.  Not really sure why but that's what I am going with. At first, I thought BOY all the way. BUT, Lately, I have a lil' feeling pink!

Either way, we will be happy! And can't wait to meet Frick baby no.3!

Monday, August 6, 2012

32.5 weeks

This past Thursday we completed our 32nd week of pregnancy with baby no.2 and started our 33rd! Crazy to think that we are now down to almost 7 weeks until the baby is due! AH.

And at 32.5 weeks, we had our Maternity Session with the AWESOME Tomme Hilton of Tomme Hilton Gallery. We had a blast with our pics . . . mostly arranging the wardrobe and socializing! HA. Had to catch up! But, once it was time to 'get busy', we did! We did have one awesome idea we wanted to do . . . but it started raining . . . DANG IT! Oh well, we can do it next session. I know we got plenty AWESOME photos this session and I cannot wait to see them all! 

Here are a few of my favorite solos. Enjoy!

32.5 weeks

'ready to pop'

gah, this is proof my butt is just as big as my belly!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

my houston.

I have one crazy child! He is so outgoing . . . WILD! For one thing, he LOVES to play dress up . . . sounds weird for a lil' boy, BUT he thinks it's so funny to walk around in my clothes / accessories. I mean, I get it . . . he sees me doing it EVERYDAY . . . so to him it's normal. And have no fear, we only let him do it and laugh . . . it's not like we let him go out of the house this way!!

This was the day I was dressing up for my Maternity Photos . . . so, he dressed up too!!

Not only is he playing dress up . . . he is beginning to 'mock' you. AH. Scary! Especially since Jess lives with us! And if you know my sister, she 'corrupts' our kids! j. She has taught Josie and Wes many things that we all 'shake our heads at' but then we can't help but laugh! So now, when Houston goes up to 'GiGi's House', he usually comes back down with some sort of new trick! The newest is 'making faces' and giving you 'FINGERS' and giving it to you 'crooked'. And for those of you who don't know what 'crooked' is . . . Houston tries really hard to give you the 'peace' sign with his two fingers, but he can't . . . he can only 'criss cross' them (like you do when you are wishing for something) . . . and Jess has now taught him to 'give it to people crooked' . . . OH GAH!

silly days up in GiGi's House

AND, he has become quite the lover. He absolutely LOVES our animals. ALL of them. All three cats. Even Jess' classroom pets, turtle and fish. Which turtle was recently given away, thankfully he hasn't noticed. He loves Belle and Pollie (Matt's dog and Donna's dog, they stay at Bob and Donna's). OH, and can't forget Pepper, Jojo's cat (well, it's really Earl's cat).

Here is H with Millie . . . he loves rubbing her belly.

giving Millie love.

And he loves them SO much that he has conversations with them . . . don't ask! Jess got Joanie Leigh a cute lil' hat for her shower next weekend (she can't keep secrets) and she was showing Matt and I her new hat . . . in the midst of her showing us, Houston decided he wanted to show Sloan. And tell Sloan that it's too small for him, and that it only fits Joanie's head. Laugh. HE IS SUCH A MESS!!  And isn't her hat cute!!!

H showing off Joanie Leigh's new hat from GiGi